


Hybrid birds were developed in the 1950's when the demand for eggs increased, Hybrids are cross bred chickens based on the classic Rhode Island Red, Maran, Plymouth Rock,  Sussex or Leghorn.

The brown laying eggs are based on the Rhode Island Red whilst the white laying eggs are based on the White Leghorn.

Hybrid chickens are a utility breed and are ideal for beginners due to their freindly docile nature. They are hardy birds which rarely become broody and will generally lay approx. 300eggs per year.

Traditional Pure Breed

These are traditional birds which will breed true, meaning, the young will always resemble the parents.

Pure bred chickens have loads of personality and are a great addition to any flock, there are many different shapes, sizes and colours as well as breed characteristics.

Depending on the breed they will lay 100-250 eggs of various colours per year.

Pekin Bantam

Pekins are true Bantams, they have no larger counterpart. Perfect for smaller gardens, friendly and easy to handle. They come in various colours and will lay lovely tinted eggs

 Booted Bantam

Porcelain, Lemon and Gold Millefleur Booted are lovely small, friendly birds that enjoy foraging around without digging up the lawn and are full of character. 

Silver Bielefelder

A lovely friendly auto sexing bird that adapts well to free range or smaller environments, a well established utility breed, lays approx. 250 eggs per year.

Rhode Rock

The Rhode Rock is a docile hardy bird due to its greater infusion of the traditional breed. Laying around 260 eggs per year


Based on the Cuckoo Marans the Speckledy retains the dark brown egg and lays around 250 per year, an old favourite.

 Laced Wyandottes

A very attractive bird, which is friendly an ideal bird for beginners, laying approx 180 eggs

Mottled Leghorn

A medium sized bird, layer of up to 300 good sized white eggs per year.

Silver Laced Barnavelder

Is a bright amicable bird which is friendly and ideal for beginners, they will lay 180 - 200 light brown eggs per year

Beechwood Blue

A docile bird with an interesting Colour of Plumage.  Laying around 240 eggs per year.


A hardy bird with a good temperament, excellent layers of around 300 medium brown eggs per year, great first hen.